M Y   E X P E R I E N C E S

Equestrian Vaulting: 

Being the 2017 National Champion in Equestrian Vaulting is one of the most significant accomplishments in my life. At this point I had been training for 4 years, and in this moment I felt like all of my hard work had paid off. It was so rewarding and reassuring to hear the judges call my name when announcing the winner of the Canter D division. I spent so many lessons going over my routine and taking my coaches feedback and criticism to heart. The experiences that I went through in the total of 6 years I was at Triple M Farms will benefit me for the rest of my life. I learned confidence, drive, worth ethic, and so much more.  Often times when there were younger or newer kids to the club, it was up to the older vaulters to lead by example. This included being the first to tack up the horse for competitions, starting the warm-ups, etc. The transferable skills that I acquired from my experiences vaulting at Triple M Farms would be Problem Solving, Teamwork, Leadership, and Work Ethic.


Working at Champagne & Lace:                                                                                                                                   

A job that I thoroughly enjoyed was working at Champagne & Lace Bridal Shop. This job was one that I came into knowing very little about, but the process of learning all of the ins and outs of what I must do to represent Champagne & Lace the best I can, was something I was fascinated with. Every day I worked with a new client that I had to pay close attention to their wants and then pull dresses that I thought they might love. I enjoyed seeing the girls light up when they found the right dress. I had to keep a dialogue with my client because after every dress they try on I would have to then offer suggestions and give ideas like making the dress puffier or adding a sparkly belt. Each girl that came in looking for a prom dress had different likes and dislikes, as well as different preferences. One of my duties was to memorize all of the dresses that we had on the floor, so that I could help the client by knowing which dresses to pull for her. The transferrable skills that I acquired through this experience would be Communication, Problem Solving, Adaptability, and Work Ethic.

{ Photo Reference: https://www.instagram.com/champagneandlace/ }


Making Ice cream for Krause Berry Farms:

While working at Krause Berry Farms, each day I had to analyze what was left in our store in order to calculate how much I had to make that day. At the same time I also had to make sure I made enough for the various of orders from other stores, that of which I would not know until I showed up for work. I had to decide how much ice cream was needed to stock our store, as well as fulfill the orders from various other stores. The transferrable skills that I acquired through this experience would be Problem Solving, Leadership, Adaptability, and Work Ethic. 

{ Photo Reference: https://www.instagram.com/krauseberryfarms/ }



M Y   I N T E R E S T S

  • Makeup
  • Fashion
  • Sewing
  • Sketching
  • Designing
  • Riding Horses
  • Travelling/ exploring the outdoors
  • Photography